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MicroBit – Social Distancing App

I have made a social distancing app on the MicroBit that helps you stay sic feet apart from others. The process and pictures have been included in this blog post.

I first had to make a radio group and set the transmit number so that the MicroBits could “communicate” with each other. I then had to figure out how I would be able to make the device sensor when the other was far enough away. Which then resulted in me make the MicroBit send a random number so they can send signals to each other. I then added when the MicroBit receives the signal to show either a checkmark or an X to indicate if they are following the safety protocols. I finally had to figure out how much signal strength it would have to receive to be six feet so I had to do some tests to figure that out.

Reaction Game on the MicroBit

For the past two weeks, I have been coding and building a reaction game on Makecode with the MicroBit. I have included the process, pictures, and rules of my game below.

First, I needed to figure out the main structure of the game and how I would code it. After a bit of thinking, I had a solid visual in my head. I jumped right in with the coding. I had the main code after a few class periods but it still wasn’t complete. After a week I was almost finished with the coding but I was struggling with making the rounds work. It was still going when it was supposed to stop. Eventually, I figured it out and had a variable and I set it to “rounds”. Then, I subtracted every time it completed a round. After that, I started with my physical part. I got some cardboard and made my game board. I cut three rectangles out of aluminum foil so it can conduct electricity. I then cut out holes from underneath the foil and made it so the alligator wires could connect to it. I then taped the foil to the cardboard. After cutting a slit in the middle so I can put the MicroBit on, I decorated it with pens and markers.


Choose a player; A or B

When the duck icon comes up, whoever clicks it first gets one point

Whenever the ghost icon comes up, the first person to tap their button loses one point

After fifteen rounds, The game will determine who wins.

MicroBit Pedometer

This week, I made a pedometer with a MicroBit on Makecode. Here are the process and some pictures.

First, I made a variable; Step. Then, I used the “on shake” block so when I take a step, it will count it. After that, I put “show number; step” in forever so I know how many steps I took. I tested it out by walking around and then realized I needed to change my code because it was only counting half of my steps, so I put in on shake “change step by 2” so whenever I take a step, it will count all of my steps.

Interactive Stars in Turtle Art

Here are some pictures of my project and my code in Turtle Art! You can also find my project here.

The process in this was a little bit of test-and-check. First, I made the star that the turtle would draw when you click the screen. Next, was the hardest part, there was a lot of trial-and-error when I tried to make the turtle draw the star. I tried a code, but it was drawing stars in random places on the canvas. I kept trying different codes until I found the right code. I messed around with the shade and color, but I kept it white. Last, I turned the turtle into a rocket ship by using the “shell” block. I had a lot of fun making this Turtle Art project!